Recruiting a New Generation of Skilled Trade Workers to Build the U.S. Clean Economy

The Challenge

As investments pour into clean energy, green construction, and advanced manufacturing, the U.S. is racing to meet the growing demand for skilled workers who will drive the clean economy forward. Local unions, community organizations, and business leaders are at the forefront, working to connect people with high-quality training and careers that are reshaping communities and futures. The challenge? Reaching the right audiences, breaking down barriers, and making these jobs feel like opportunities anyone can aspire to—and be proud of.

The Opportunity

Culture is a game-changer. Music, art, and media have a unique power to bring people together, tell compelling stories, and inspire action. Imagine concerts that double as career fairs, music videos that spotlight trade heroes, and community events that elevate local voices. Grounded collaborates with unions, community organizations, and local businesses to make these ideas a reality. By connecting partners with artists and cultural influencers, we’re helping to spark a movement—one that makes careers in the clean economy not just accessible, but aspirational.

How We Support Local Leaders

Grounded works behind the scenes to support and amplify the efforts of unions, community groups, and business leaders nationwide. Here’s how we help turn ideas into action:

  1. Connecting Culture to Careers: We bring together cultural influencers—musicians, artists, content creators—with community partners to drive recruitment in fresh, engaging ways. From coordinating free concerts that introduce audiences to clean economy careers, to creating content that reaches millions online, we help turn cultural moments into recruitment opportunities.

  2. Forging Strategic Partnerships: Building bridges between sectors is where innovation happens. Grounded helps local organizations team up with artists, philanthropists, and businesses, creating powerful alliances that drive awareness and action. These partnerships amplify local efforts, making them feel bigger, bolder, and impossible to ignore.

  3. Crafting Compelling Campaigns: Effective communication can transform perceptions. We collaborate with partners to develop creative campaigns that frame clean economy jobs as exciting, high-paying, and crucial for our future. Our work helps make these careers not just something to consider, but something to celebrate.

  4. Elevating Local Stories: The most powerful narratives come from real people. Grounded helps local leaders shine by highlighting their stories—showcasing the impact of clean economy jobs on families, communities, and futures. By putting authentic voices front and center, we help create a narrative that resonates far beyond any single campaign.

Concerts as Launchpads for Opportunity

Picture this: a local concert featuring favorite artists that doubles as a gateway to the clean economy. Attendees not only enjoy the show, but also discover pathways to well-paying jobs through on-site career stations, apprenticeships, and training programs. Grounded works with unions and community partners to create these moments, helping to redefine what recruitment looks like in the clean economy.

Reaching Diverse Audiences

By working with a broad range of artists, from chart-toppers to local icons, Grounded helps partners engage audiences who might never have considered careers in the clean economy. These collaborations break through traditional barriers, making the clean economy feel inclusive, exciting, and relevant to all.

A Movement Powered by Collaboration

Grounded is here to support the collective efforts of unions, community organizations, businesses, and cultural leaders who are reshaping the workforce of tomorrow. Together, we are creating a nationwide movement that turns cultural influence into real-world opportunity, driving economic growth and climate progress one career at a time.

Let’s Collaborate

We invite unions, community organizations, philanthropists, artists, and industry leaders to join us. Let’s collaborate to inspire, recruit, and celebrate the next generation of skilled trade heroes. For more information or to get involved, contact us at Let’s amplify local efforts, tell compelling stories, and shape the workforce of the future, today.


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