How We Secured Stronger U.N. Global Biodiversity Targets Through Strategic Influencer Engagement

The Challenge

As countries began pre-negotiations for post-2022 global biodiversity and conservation targets during the U.N. biodiversity talks in late 2020, the stakes couldn’t have been higher. Climate scientists emphasized the urgent need to conserve and restore 50% of the world’s land and oceans by 2030 to avoid catastrophic climate impacts. Yet, negotiations were heading toward a less ambitious 30% target, and the lack of media attention compared to high-profile COP climate talks threatened to allow weak commitments to pass unnoticed. Public pressure was needed to push for bolder action.

Our Strategy

With limited time, we focused on a high-impact strategy to bolster advocacy efforts on the ground and amplify them on the global stage. Grounded provided travel grants to key partners, enabling them to directly participate in the U.N. biodiversity conference in Montreal. Working alongside negotiators, civil society, and government officials, these partners advocated tirelessly for stronger conservation targets. Meanwhile, we launched a strategic celebrity-driven campaign from behind the scenes, securing signatures from influential figures on a letter to U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres. This letter, urging the U.N. to prioritize nature conservation at a scale necessary to protect the planet, became a crucial tool in ongoing discussions with negotiators and media.

This video was displayed in Montreal hotel lobbies to target U.N. negotiators on their way to and from the main venue.


The combined efforts of on-the-ground advocacy and high-profile influencer engagement led to several key outcomes:

  • Adoption of Stronger Targets: The U.N. adopted a target of “at least 30%” conservation of land and oceans by 2030. While short of the ideal 50%, this baseline creates a platform for future expansion.

  • Increased Global Attention: U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres responded to our call by attending the conference in Montreal, elevating the importance of the negotiations and drawing global attention to the urgency of the issue.

  • Celebrity Engagement: The sign-on letter, backed by celebrities like Meryl Streep, Hilary Swank, and Mark Ruffalo, significantly amplified public and political support, putting pressure on negotiators to aim higher.

  • Groundbreaking Legal Language: Our partners successfully lobbied for the inclusion of language in the U.N. biodiversity framework that recognizes the rights of nature—marking a historic achievement for biodiversity protection at the U.N. level.

Key Takeaways

This campaign demonstrated the power of blending direct advocacy with strategic public engagement to influence policy outcomes. By rallying support from negotiators, civil society, and high-profile influencers, we created a multi-faceted push that helped secure stronger global biodiversity targets. This coordinated approach underscores the importance of leveraging diverse voices to drive conservation goals forward and serves as a model for future efforts to protect our planet.


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