
Preserving Permafrost

Permafrost is the ground that has remained frozen (for at least two consecutive years and up to hundreds of thousands of years), and the increasing global temperature is currently thawing our planet's permafrost.

There are four main impacts of permafrost thaw: Additional carbon and methane gases are being released into our atmosphere that might lead to an unstoppable climate feedback loop; costly infrastructure is being damaged in communities built on permafrost; natural ecosystems are changing due to increases in landslides, erosion, etc.; and the risk of disease has increased from thawing ancient viruses and bacteria in the permafrost.

Nikita Zimov and his father Sergei have found a solution that is delaying the thaw of permafrost and it is surprisingly simple: rewilding the Arctic. At their Pleistocene Park in Siberia, they are working diligently to reverse the climate crisis and have a solution that can preserve our planet.


  • Nikita Zimov, Founder of Pleistocene Park

  • Rachael Treharne, Postdoctoral Researcher at Woodwell Climate Research Center


Mitigating Methane